Recap of A to Z Posts & Check Out These A to Z Bloggers – Part 3

15965050_1068241179964848_7193179799334160551_nRecap number three of the four I will post during the 30 day A to Z Challenge. They will all publish on Sunday, our day off except for the last, which will roll off on May 1st. In the posts I will highlight new bloggers (And I hope new writing friends) that I discover along the way of sharing 26 posts in 30 days.

My theme is based on a novel I plan to write during the annual National Novel Writing Month in November. Now that we are seven post in I want to collect the links here for anyone late to the party.

If you missed either prior recap, you can catch up here: Recap & New Bloggers & Recap of A to Z Posts & Check Out These A to Z Bloggers – Part 2

Here is a recap of this week’s posts:

Nolan Russell – The second of the Steel Horse Saviors trio and the muscle of the operation.

O’Grady Timber & Lumber Company – Clementine’s pride and joy, the business her father built from nothing.

Penley River Trestle – another significant impediment to O’Grady T& L reaching their full potential.

Quentin Rollins – the villain, who constantly lays barriers in Clementine’s way.

Rollins Lumber Company – O’Grady T & L’s chief competitor, but one unable to match O’Grady’s maximum potential.

Saving O’Grady Timber & Lumber – The main plot of Steel Horse Saviors revolves around keeping O’Grady Timber & Lumber from failing, leaving not only the O’Grady family, but all their employees in the lurch.

Here is a preview of the last seven posts in the 2017 A to Z Challenge:

Thomas Trumble, Colonel who is the Inspector General in the post-war U.S. Army and trying to find evidence to come after the Saviors.

Ueley Carlisle – The developer who wants to turn Harrington into the population center of the western frontier.

Venus O’Grady – Clementine’s oldest sister who allies regularly with her mother to complicate Clementine’s path.

Wedding – One of the Saviors will marry an O’Grady, but that plot development still needs some development.

Xavier Touchet Broussard – the mechanical genius and last Savior, who keeps Lulubelle running in top condition.

Yardley Station – The supply town that figures to be Thomas Trumble’s trump card in prosecuting the Saviors.

Zeke Barton – The foreman at O’Grady Timber & Lumber, who started shortly after Angus began the operation.

Finally, but not the least important item is this short list of new bloggers I came across this week in my A to Z commenting. I am trying to find at least one new blogger each day of the challenge to add to my Reader list and to share with you. Please take a moment to clink on their blog links:

The Artistic Christian       Christianity

Jazz Feathers                                                      Film Noir

shyutgal                              All about Utah

Kim                                                 Travel

Barbara                       Personal Perspectives

Eva                                     Postcards Recvd in Mail

Claudia                                          Writing

These folks I highlight have very different styles, so I want to introduce you to them and ask you to support their craft, by stopping by to say hello and give them some encouragement in the comments section. Tune in next week as I put this together again with another recap, preview and more new bloggers to enjoy!


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