Recap of A to Z Posts & Check Out These A to Z Bloggers

15965050_1068241179964848_7193179799334160551_nI plan to do this four times during the 30 day A to Z Challenge. They will all publish on Sunday, our day off except for the last, which will roll off on May 1st. In the four posts I will highlight new bloggers (And I hope new writing friends) that I discover along the way of sharing 26 posts in 30 days.

My theme is based on a novel I plan to write during the annual National Novel Writing Month in November. Now that we are seven post in I want to collect the links here for anyone late to the party.

Angus O’Grady – Patriarch and founder of O’Grady Timber & Lumber

Elise Begley – Young, attractive doctor with her first solo practice in Penley River, Clementine’s confidant.

Clementine O’Grady – the heroine, and face of O’Grady Timber & Lumber.

Delilah O’Grady – Mother to the three O’Grady girls, whose health removes her from the day to day operations.

Escaping the Past – The introduction of the Steel Horse Saviors reason for heading west.

Finn Honeycut – The suave, smooth-talking face of the saviors; one that can get in, out and back in trouble at the drop of a hat.

Gus Owens, the U.S. Army sergeant that brought the Saviors together, including a C.S.A. mechanical genius during the height of the War Between the States.

Here is a preview to the posts coming this week:

Harrington – the fast growing city that could make or break both O’Grady Timber & Lumber and Rollins Lumber.

Ingrid O’Grady – the middle O’Grady sister that switches allegiance between Clementine and the oldest sister, Venus.

Pastor James Farragut – The Baptist minister who preaches against many of the things represented by the Steel Horse Saviors.

 Julius Kenner – The bank president of the only bank in Penley River, who may be working with Quentin Rollins or may be working Clementine against Quentin to his bank’s benefit.

Lulubelle – The steam engine that is the unheard star of the novel.

The Mystery of Lulubelle’s Origin – Finding out just how the Saviors came to possess Lulubelle seems to be a tall order. Every story begins differently no matter which Savior is doing the telling.

Finally, but not the least important item is this short list of new bloggers I came across this week in my A to Z commenting. Please take a moment to clink on their blog links:

Raven Avery                 Flash Fiction

Janelle Miller           Christianity

Iain Kelly                    Flash Fiction

Jacqui Murray                Literary Genres

Carryl R                       Books & Authors

Stomperdad               Fatherhood

Katrina                                              Famous Quotes

These folks I highlight have very different styles, so I want to introduce you to them and ask you to support their craft, by stopping by to say hello and give them some encouragement in the comments section. Tune in next week as I put this together again with another recap, preview and more new bloggers to enjoy!


Hijacking the Hijackers! – Sunday Photo Fiction – 04/09/17



Everyone could hear the low grumble work up through their leader’s throat before escaping in a sound of disgust. Lars Sunvold shook his head at the sight. He knew his greed would eventually come back to bite him, but in all his dreams this sight never materialized.

Sven, his dependable right hand did the speaking. “Lars, they have hijacked our boat! How can we return home now? We have all this gold but we can’t get it in there and get the boat down too!”

“Yes, that is a big problem for us!” He scanned the area around the boat as it rested safely out of the water some three hundred yards distant. He could see Englishmen everywhere, just waiting for their heroic rescue attempt.

All tensed as rustling in the bushes caught their attention. A smiling Nils approached nodding happily.

“You’ve been with their wine or their women haven’t you?” Sven asked with contempt.

“No, my brother, but I have found something interesting. They left two guards to protect their big boat, the one we saw two days ago. It is more than enough for our needs.

Lars strategic mind quickly warmed to this idea. The possibilities could be endless.
