Oh What A View? Wait, What?

The Friday Fictioneers. It is more than a collection of eclectic wordsmiths hailing from all regions of this great big world. There are mothers, fathers, sons and adughters, brothers and sistrers, aunts, uncles and cousins. Namely people of every make and model who love to use a simple singular photo as the startin gpoint for a quick 100 word journey.

Obviously you have some attraction to writing since you are here. Fiction too, or you would not know about FF. So what is your desire as you circle through the bevvy of writing beuaties offered this week? You can find a variety of stories to satiate your wishes. What follows is my attempt.

Copyright – Jan Wayne Fields

A wonderful life is what she promised, an exciting life full of adventure and excitement. But what topped it all was the promise of a room with a view. I mean we were living in New York City of all places; the land of skyscrapers.

“I know it is not exactly what I described,” she said softly.

“Compared to four years of sand, scorpions and unbearable heat I guess I shouldn’t complain.”

“You know what,” she said straightening, “You fought for freedom, justice and the American way over there. We can do better.”

“Better. The room with a view? Yes.”

NYC Midnight – 9th Annual Fiction Challenge

Okay so everyone enjoys a challenge, right. I mean the word challenge ignites a thought pattern that you will have to summon your deepest skills to succeed at whatever comes after the word challenge. For a writer a challenge can simply be trying to put together a credible plot that can be developed into a full fledged story.

I just got this information about a short stroy challenge coming the end of this week that might be interesting to my fellow fiction wirters. It is hosted by NYC Midnight. The 9th Annual Short Story Challenge is a creative writing competition open to writers around the world. There are 3 rounds of competition. In the 1st Round (January 16-24, 2015), writers are placed randomly in heats and are assigned a genre, subject, and character assignment. Writers have 8 days to write an original story no longer than 2,500 words. The judges choose a top 5 in each heat to advance to the 2nd Round (March 12-15, 2015) where writers receive new assignments, only this time they have just 3 days to write a 2,000 word (maximum) short story. Judges choose finalists from the 2nd Round to advance to the 3rd and final round of the competition where writers are challenged to write a 1,500 word (maximum) story in just 24 hours (April 24-25, 2015). A panel of judges review the final round stories and overall winners are selected. NYC Midnight

Unfortunately since I got this notice so late the only entry deadline remaining is by January 15th, Thursday and the fee is $55. What do you get for this fee? Not only does every writer receive feedback from the judges for every story submitted, but a special review forum is available for the participants to submit their stories for review from fellow writers throughout the competition. During the Short Story Challenge 2014, there were over 3,300 comments made on the 200+ stories submitted on the forum.

Feedback is always a good thing and seeing what others write will help us all to improve.