Venice, Italy – Chasing Red Silent – 2018 A to Z Challenge – Day 22


For the 2018 A to Z Challenge my topic is a new book about one of my recurring characters in the weekly flash fiction invitationals I frequent, a top flight detective named Sophie Marcus. Sophie is a single woman in her late thirties who is running from a demon.

For someone who is always matching wits with those who don’t even consider a set of rules to play within there has to be a safe place to get away when the strain gets to be too much. At this point in her career Sophie has settled on a scene from a place she dearly wants to visit in her future, Venice, Italy. Sophie has always felt drawn to places with a rich water culture and Venice certainly boasts that.

The thought of buying her own water taxi and lazily seeing every drop of water in and around Venice gives her the kind of peace that lowers a person’s blood pressure. She has even begun to study Italian so she won’t come off as a rank tourist when she gets her opportunity.

Here is an excerpt:

Sophie found herself transported to Venice more and more often. She was totally fine with that coping mechanism, especially if it precluded slipping toward a more destructive substitute. She’d learned long ago to use her mind to shield her heart and feelings from unwanted threats. The same scene of water taxis sliding through their watery streets filled her thoughts.

However, this time their was a nasty twist. On an approaching water taxi she saw . . . him! No, no that was not possible. She’d left him behind on the East Coast. Two thousand, eight hundred and ninety seven miles separated them.  Four 9mm hollow points in center mass, it always was more than enough. But yet, here he was!

Sophie shook her head, barely conscious of the fact this had to be a dream gone wrong. She reached in her small bag for her side arm, but instead felt a cool liquid. She lifted the flap to see dark red blood all over her hand. Then she heard that eery, mocking laugh. 

The next installment introduces you to Sophie’s Portland, P.D. partner.






NaNo the Third – 2018

Nano.png AGAIN? IT IS TIME TO PLAN FOR NANO AGAIN?? ARGH!!! OKAY, I WILL DO IT! So it really isn’t all that much drama to get me to take this plunge. In truth I have changed my writing ways to plan 6-9 months out and Nano was squarely in my sights when I completed this year’s April A-Z Challenge.

I stumbled upon this idea last year when I used the A to Z Challenge to lay out the framework, let’s even call it an outline, of a historical fiction novel. I had full intentions of making it my third Nano effort, but summer came along and all the historical research I felt necessary to give it an authentic feel surrendered to mowing the grass, planting and picking the beans and the considerable stable of flowers we maintain and grow.

Fast forward to April of 2018 and one of the germs of an idea, actually a character and story I have been mentally developing, yes that is a process, got her treatment. The main character is a psychologically troubled master detective with so many issues it is a wonder she can function. This will be the subject of the 2018 NaNo try.


My last successful attempt was in 2016, when I took two characters I consider my franchise team and wrote over 70,000 words within the 30 day confines. While this novel is still in development, that many words in place put it very close to a marketable commodity. The next steps in finding an editor and agent are still something I have lots to learn about, but in NaNo there is so many reference resources made available as well as the chance to talk with experienced and published authors.

I like the feature on the NANO website where you can tie in with buddies and share the experience. Everyone needs encouragement and I enjoy giving it, so this option suits many needs. Why not share your experience where you could possibly build a lifelong writing friend? Yes, we are known as the Warriors of Solitude but only because there are so few of us around we don’t connect much. As in all endeavors however, sharing is a way to make it better. I know some of you visiting will be donning your NaNo gear, including the insane attitude needed to withstand the grins, so give me a yell and let’s get through it together.

Oh, I almost forgot this. If you would like to get a sneak peek at what I will write about you can take a look at the April 2018 A to Z Challenge posts about Chasing Red Silent. Just follow this link: Chasing Red Silent


The Accidental Closet Organizer – Friday Fictioneers – 09/21/18


Most people hate the rain, but when you grow up in one of the rainiest places on the planet you have a different perspective. From the Cropp River in New Zealand Oliver Greene emerged as a collector of bumper shoots. When he met Carina, his Sous Chef wife she was the one who suggested the ingenuous design.

Carina’s best friend Zoey asked about the idea one night as they walked into her restaurant.

“I call it a win-win. I made him see it was better than having them all sit idly by. Plus I have a new closet!”

“Smart girl!”

