Brendan’s Way – Flash fiction for Aspiring Writers – 07/25/17


No one believed Brendan could cross the lake alone.

Everyone declared he was at the least foolish and surely insane to take his boat a cross the big lake alone. But Brendan believed in himself. So much did he believe that he made a wager with his friends that he could cross the lake faster than anyone before. Sure Brendan could have cheated in his quest, but there was this code of honor that everyone confidently believed would be his doom. No, Brendan would do it the hard way even at his own peril.

The time came for his great adventure and Brendan made every effort to assure his body was ready. The weather was perfect, the water as calm as could be expected and he set off. Chopping into the water made Brendan feel so alive he found extra strength in his work. His friends watched from afar with binoculars as he made his way wave by wave toward them.


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